ice_cream_truckMy children have super-sonic ears.  They can't hear me call them when it's bedtime but they can hear the jingle of the ice cream truck from 3987 km away.  They heard a faint jingle approximately 18 minutes before we saw the truck, and when it finally did appear the speed that they ran up to it could've rivaled any Olympic sprinter.

I have a love/hate relationship with the truck - the crazy prices and incessant music doesn't give me the warm fuzzies, but on the other hand the truck is a sure sign of summer and who doesn't have a fond memory of buying an overpriced popsicle when they were a kid?  I always wonder how the driver of the truck feels at the end of the day - are their dreams filled with tinkling renditions of Home on the Range and La Cucaracha?  Today I heard a particularly fetching version of O Christmas Tree cleverly disguised as a summer tune; you'd have to pay me a lot for that mental torment 8 hours a day!

So now that the ice cream truck has come and gone what is left to anticipate on this beautiful July day?  Our annual Canada Day party (yesterday) is behind us and the weather was perfect, the company was fabulous and the maple leaves were bursting out of everyone.  The cans are cleaned up and the deck hosed off so now it's time to sit and relax in the sun and contemplate absolutely nothing!   Life is good.


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