That's still progress, albeit not fast progress.  I wrote earlier that I found a great place in Holland close to everything we both wanted and needed, and I was under the impression that it was ours.  I'd been in contact with the owners and they had quoted me the price for our dates so everything seemed right on track.  I emailed them less than 24 hours later to confirm that we wanted it and somehow in that time frame someone else rented that house for part of the time we needed it!  Not sure how that happened and I'm slightly annoyed, but there is nothing to be done about it so we must assume that there is something else out there that will be better for us.  It's just sort of annoying to have to continue to look.... and I am actually someone who generally enjoys whittling away my time on various search engines looking for vacation rentals!

I've taken a few days break from it so that I can come at it with fresh eyes.  We're now considering changing the whole general area of where we stay - so as they say, everything happens for a reason!  I've also been looking into Paris and have found a handful of great looking places exactly where we want to be.  I'm fairly picky when it comes to apartment rentals for the beginning of any overseas trip as I want us to minimize our jet lag as soon as possible.  For us that means having at least two separate bedrooms, one of which must contain two single beds.  The first few nights typically finds everyone with different sleep patterns and having the kids toss and turn and wake each other up doesn't help the situation.  It's also helpful to have a couch in the living area that either makes into a bed or is comfy enough for someone to doze on.  Our first few nights in Barcelona the summer of 2010 found each of us waking up in a different bed than we started in!  Musical beds... just get into an empty one and sleep.

Edit:  After posting the last blog entry I realized that I discussed the one step back, but not the two steps forward!  I booked our airline tickets after spending quite a bit of time playing with different airlines, cities, and dates.  So although we don't have anywhere to stay when we get there, we at least know that we have the dates we want - now it's time to fill in the blanks.  The booking process was an interesting one and I'll focus on that in my next blog post.  Stay tuned!

I'm finding summer vacation planning particularly therapeutic right now as we're experiencing what is called an 'arctic blast'.  You don't need to be a weather expert to understand that means it is COLD!  Very cold.  So I'm remembering last August in Verona when I had a mild case of heat stroke - our apartment wouldn't get any cooler than 31 C (87 F) and the days were hot and humid making it very difficult to cool down.  I could use a little of that right now!  I've lived here long enough to realize that this is a temporary blip and in a few days we'll be back to regular winter temperatures and that somehow through the magic of Mother Nature we'll one day again have green grass and blooming flowers and I'll be gardening in a tank top.  The world is an interesting place - while we're freezing and seeing nothing but white outside there is someone else sweating and cursing the relentless heat, where snow covered mountains are only something they've seen in a picture book.  I'm so happy to be able to experience all the differences this earth has to offer!  Mountains, Ocean, blue skies and arctic blasts.  I'll take them all.

Wow, have I ever let things slide!  I have been afflicted by a weird sort of inertia which I blame on a combination of a new computer, Christmas holidays, and general laziness.  So, in the spirit of the New Year I am trying to get things back on track and do all of the website additions that I intended on doing before my old laptop took that unfortunate fall to the floor.  We have started planning the generalities of this summer's trip which is motivating me to get moving on documenting all the details from Italy last summer.  The daily blog was full of a lot of information, but it's the information on the hotels we stayed in and a lot of budget information that I think will be very useful for anyone planning a trip in the near future that I need/want to get finished.  Otherwise what was the point of all the notes I took while we were there?  The photo gallery needs a lot of work too...  I will be a busy bee!

162xAs for a completely non-European related travel topic, we just returned from a week in the Dominican Republic.  The beach was gorgeous and had the softest sand that was perfect for sandcastle building.  We encountered some less than ideal weather for the last few days (absolutely torrential downpours!) but we were a group of 15 family members and had a great time anyway just playing games and hanging out.  We're fortunate to actually enjoy hanging out with the extended family - when else does a 17 year old boy get into a crazy UNO tournament with his 9 year old cousin?  As anyone knows who followed the blog throughout Italy - I love food.  Really good food.  I can talk about it and take pictures of it until people roll their eyes with boredom, but as Popeye would say, "I y'am who I y'am".  So, with that in mind, the food in the Dominican Republic left a little to be desired... but when it's all inclusive and they have such delicious beverages available its easy to find alternative sources of calories.  I persevered.

Now looking forward we realized that we needed to lock in a location for this summer.  We finalized our dates for Holland and tried to coordinate them with the rest of the family that will be there at the same time for the giant soiree for my in-laws.  We found a great house close to both the beach and to the village where most of our family lives and the price is excellent!  I guess the next step is actually getting plane tickets... which explains why I currently have 9 tabs open at the top of my FireFox browser.  KLM, British Airways, Air Transat, Homeaway, Friendly Rentals, Google Maps, Hotmail, Takethemalong, and Facebook for good measure.  I just hope that my computer doesn't spontaneously close things down or I'll have to start all over again!

Onwards I go, and I think you'll be seeing a lot more of me than before.  Happy New Year!


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